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Herald Staff Writer

Rail car restoration

The Galloping Goose Historical Society in Dolores works on restoring five rail cars that ran on area rialroad tracks.

Our View: Bill would hinder public’s right to know

Bill would hinder public’s right to know

Editorial cartoons

Editorial cartoons

Letter: Commercial wood use helps reduce wildfire threat

Residence and forest products businesses can be excited about the efforts taking place in Southwest Colorado addressing our wildfire threat and community protection. The degree o...

After a wild year, there’s much to be grateful for

By Wendy Ludgewait La Plata County Humane Society It’s been a heck of a year since COVID-19 shut down large portions of the world. As the board of the La Pl...

Dog-walker gives neighbor the creeps

Dear Abby: I am a 34-year-old woman. I live in a ground floor unit in an apartment complex with my terrier-collie mix, who is a very good judge of character. An elderly neigh...

County encourages road adoption

Families and organizations can adopt a 2-mile section of county road to keep litter-free. People are encouraged to pick up trash along an adopted segment twice a year. The county...

Joy Frazer to host virtual breastfeeding workshop

Joy Frazer, international board-certified lactation consultant, will host virtual breastfeeding workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday on Zoom. Expectant parents will learn everythin...

Marvel Grange to host enchilada take-out dinner

Marvel Grange will host an enchilada take-out dinner fundraiser from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. May 1 at Marvel Grange Hall, 217 County Road 100, Hesperus. The meal includes ground beef en...

Marvel Grange to host line dancing

Marvel Grange will host line dancing at 7 p.m. Friday at Marvel Grange Hall, 217 County Road 133A, Marvel. Everyone is welcome. ...

LPEA awards $80,000 in scholarships to seven local high school seniors

La Plata Electric Association awarded $80,000 in scholarships to seven local high-school seniors. The cooperative received a total of 81 applications this year. Recipients were selected base...